The Generator Applications -------------------------- There are two applications in the generator family: Class Generator and Clipboard Generator. Class Generator automates the often mundane task of writing the "standard" code necessary to generate a new class. Unlike Class Wizard, Class Generator lets you generate new classes based on any class - and the resulting code is generated in your, not Microsoft's, style. Clipboard Generator gives the Visual C++ editor the ability to generate function headers, module headers, quickly insert commonly used strings, open commonly used files, insert columns, run external programs over a selected block, and generate access members for class data members. Although these applications are designed for use with Microsoft Visual C++ they do not subclass, hook or inject themselves into its address space. They are designed to enhance, not interfere, with the normal operation of Visual C++. The Generator applications require Windows NT or Windows 95 to run, but will not work on the 16 bit versions of Windows.